How Much Profits Should There Be In Entitlements?
The Cancers That Kill Nations
SickCare . . . Or the Lack Thereof
The government says they want people to start small businesses. I’ve worked with startups and Micros for 20+ years and I can tell you that lack of good quality affordable sick care is a HUGE barrier to people wanting to start businesses. Someone has to keep a job with SickCare just to keep the family covered. If we’re going to go “Capitalist” and “free market” let’s do it – not pick and choose the parts that benefit the wealthiest the most and constantly enacting legislation that intentionally creates ever more people who need help. First, we enact legislation that strips wealth from the lower end – and many / most of them do work VERY hard – to benefit those who sit behind desks in cushy chairs pushing symbols of money around computer screens all day. Then The people who push symbols of money around computer screens all day whine about how “needy” and underserving the people they’ve just stripped everything from are.
The one thing that makes everyone happy is a sense that they live in a “fair” world. Above all, to Cause Less Pain, you have to strive to build our world to be FAIR to all.